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THE DANGER IN SELECTING THESE TIMES FOR PRAYER - TB JOSHUA #tbjoshua #testimonyofjesuschannel #scoan
Wed PM Bible Study - "Philippians: 4:10-23" | WED 12-18-24
5 Minute Bible Study - Colossians 3:4
Bridging the Testaments Wed 12/18/24 PM Bible Study
GCF Sunday Worship Service (English) • April 3, 2022 • Pastor Larry Pabiona
WakeUp Daily Devotional | Free from Guilt | [Hebrews 12:22-24]
12/18/24 | Wed. PM | Levi Souza | 1 John 3:4 - 12
Wed. 7 PM 12-18-24
12-18-24 Wed PM "Why or Why Not" Pastor Jason Calhoun
12-18-24 Wed pm-Bro Salisbury- "Adventures in the land of canaan"
Closing the Gap Pastor Mitch Tibbits 12 18 24 Wed PM
wed night service. 12-18-24 pm CCLI # 3548142